Sunday, January 16, 2011

Week 10 - Ch. 18-19 Readings & Reflection

Week 10 Readings & Reflection Questions

Consider the following questions when reading, Ch. 18, "Lord Give Me Wisdom to Make Right Decisions"

1. Read Proverbs 2:3-6. According to this scripture, how can you get wisdom, understanding, and discernment?
2. According to Psalm 1:2-3, what is the reward for delighting in God's law and relying on godly counsel?
3. Read Ephesians 1:15-19. What did Paul pray for the Ephesians? Why did he want them to have wisdom?

Consider the following questions when reading, Ch. 19, "Lord, Deliver Me from Every Evil Work"

1. Do you now or have you ever felt as though you were sliding back into the very thing from which you have already been set free?
2. Were you really going backwards or was God taking you to a new level of deliverance and freedom? If you don't know, ask God to show you.
3. Read Corinthians 1:9-10. What are the great truths here about God delivering you or setting you free?
4. Read 2 Timothy 4:18. Write out a prayer asking God to deliver you from every evil work and show you any time you need to be set free from something.

Ch. 16 & 17 Reflection Questions

Consider the following questions when reading, Ch. 16 "Lord, Keep Me in the Center of Your Will"

1. Does having trouble in your life always mean you are out of God's will?
2. Does following God's will mean that life will always be easy?
4. Does following God mean you will never feel stretched or uncomfortable?
5. Write a prayer next to each of the following categories and ask God to show you if you are in the center of His will regarding these areas in your life:
  • Where you live
  • Where you work
  • What you do with your free time
  • Where you go to church
  • Who your relationships are with
  • How you conduct each of your relationships
Consider the following questions when reading, Ch. 17 "Lord, Protect Me and All I Care About"

1. Read Psalm 91:1-16 and underline the promises of God to you.
2. Read Psalm 31:19-20. What has God promised to do for those who trust and fear Him?
3. Read Psalm 119:117. What do you feel is your  main area of vulnerability? What is your greatest concern with regard to being kept safe? What do you most need to be protected from?