Thursday, February 10, 2011

Week 12 - Ch 22 & 23 Readings & Reflection

Consider the following questions when reading, Ch. 22, "Lord, Enable Me to Resist the Temptation to Sin"
  1. What is your greatest area of temptation? How difficult is the struggle you have, and how have you been able to handle it?
  2. Read Corinthians 10:13. Is the temptation you face any different than what other people have faced? If so, why?
  3. Read Galatians 5:9. What can you do when you are faced with temptation? What could you do that would help you stand strong?
  4. Read Matthew 26:41. What does God want you to do so that you won't enter into temptation? What part of us is weak? Which part of us is strong?
  5. Reas James 1:12. What is your reward for enduring temptation and falling into it?
  6. 1 John 4:4. Why do you have the power to overcome temptation?
DC Talk, What if I Stumble

Third Day: Carry My Cross (intro) + Thief

Consider the following questions when reading, Ch. 23, "Lord, Heal Me and Help Me Care for My Body"
  1. Read 1 Corinthians 6:19-20. What is the main reason to take care of your body?
  2. Read Mark 6:56. According to this verse, who was healed? In what ways could you touch Jesus and find healing for your body?
  3. Read James 5:14-16. What are those who need healing supposed to do?
  4. Read Exodus 15:26. If God is the same yesterday, today and forever as He says He is, what is the promise to you in this scripture, and what are God's requirements?
  5. Read Acts 14:8-10 and Matthew 9:20-22. What do these two sections of the scripture have in common? What was required of these people for them to be healed?
Bebo Norman, Healing Song

Michael W. Smith, Healing Rain