Background story

Just a little background on how this group was formed.... I really wanted to join a group for accountability purposes and to fellowship with other christian woman, but my work and home life schedule is too busy to attend a group/class at church on a weekly basis. I was kinda bummed that CBC didn't offer any "Online" LifeGroups, BUT GOD! Seriously, I prayed about it and searched online for others, no luck. Well, I had the opportunity to speak with the women's director, Martha Fisher, one-on-one and I thought she was going to tell me how I can help and where the need was, but she asked me, "So Julie, what do you have in mind for a study?" WHOA! So I told her that I work full-time and am a single mother of an active 13 year old (games, recitals, etc.) and that I was really in need of an online bible study. She said, "That sounds great! I will see about you leading one." I tell you what, God doesn't lay things on our hearts, so we can tell other people to do it. HA! So here I am, writing my VERY FIRST blog, and EXCITED TO SEE what God does in my and your life through this study! :)

Jeremiah 29:11 (NIV) For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.