Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Week 1 Reflection - Forward & CH. 1

1. From the list of names to God on page 32 in The Power of Praying Woman, what is the name you most need to trust God to be to you during this time in your life? Write out a prayer (either in the comments of this post, or in your journal) telling God why you need to know Him in this way, and thank Him for promising to be that to you.

2. Do you spend as much time as you would like alone with God? Do you find securing that time alone with God difficult or easy? Write out a prayer (either in the comments of this post, or in your journal) asking God to help you find more time to be with Him.

There are so many great songs about the names of God. Below are a few, enjoy!

Wonderful Merciful Savior



1 comment:

  1. 1. I cant choose just one name from the list of 30! I love him for all He is and call on him for ALL of them! But if I had to choose, I would say my top 5 are husband, Helper, Hope, Comforter and Provider. I already know Him in ALL these ways, so I want to just thank God there for me whenever I call upon him :)
    2. NOOOO I do not spend as much time as I would like. The cares of the world entangle me! I feel like some mornings I wake up, and Ive been having spiritual warfare in my sleep. I remember my dream, and I was casting out demons, and laying hands on people! So is it possible when I sleep, my spirit is having warfare? I pray in my car alot, on the way to and from work. My car has become my sanctuary.
