Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Week 4 Reflection - Ch. 6 & 7

God is so good! This is exactly the rebuke and encouragement I needed to hear. I love how God is so gracious and loving when he talks to me.

In Chapter 6 Stormie wrote about, taking control of your mind by bringing it under submission of the holy spirit.  The enemy comes in three forms: the world, the flesh, and the devil.  Know your enemy. Two scriptures come to my mind, Ephesians 6:10 - 17 The Armor of God, and 2 Corinthians 10:5 "take every thought captive so that it is obedient to Christ."  
In Chapter 7 Stormie wrote about, submitting our life to God whole-heartedly. The following passage from from this chapter was like a quick self-examination quiz for me,
"Surrendering everything means being willing to say, "Lord, whatever You want me to do, I'll do it. I say yes to anything You ask of me, even if it means dying to myself and my desires. I will give up the things of the flesh that I want in order to have more of You in my life. I will go to church when I feel like staying home. I will fast when I feel like eating. I will pray when I would rather watch TV. I will give when I would rather spend my money on myself. I will enter into praise and worship as my first reaction instead of my last resort. I will do whatever You say so that I can please You and move into all You have for me."

I hope you enjoyed the reading and share with us your comments on the below questions. To promote discussion between others in the group, please comment on at least one other person's post.

1.  On page 74 Stormie wrote, "Certain thoughts may appear to you to be accurate, but when you hold them up next to God's Word, the lie is exposed." Has there been a lie the enemy wanted you to believe as truth, that you later realized was not true at all?

2. Read Jeremiah 17:9. What does this scipture say about the human heart?

3. Read Colossians 1:28. Why do we need to be taught by other strong believers in our lives?

4. What was your favorite quote or scripture?

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