Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Week 5 - Read Ch 8 & 9

Read Chapter 8 - Lord, Take Me Deeper in Your Word and Chapter 9 - Lord, Instruct Me as I Put My Life in Right Order.

I pray everyone has a blessed week and stay strong in the Lord!

 1Blessed is the person who does not
   follow the advice of wicked people,
      take the path of sinners,
         or join the company of mockers.
2Rather, he delights in the teachings of the Lord
   and reflects on his teachings day and night.
3He is like a tree planted beside streams—
   a tree that produces fruit in season
      and whose leaves do not wither.
He succeeds in everything he does.[a]

Psalm 1:1-3 (GOD’S WORD Translation)

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